Elected Officers
Name | Position | |
Forrest Coley | Chair | chair@npumatlanta.org |
Kyle Kessler | Vice Chair | vicechair@npumatlanta.org |
Sarah Kim | Secretary | secretary@npumatlanta.org |
Carrie Sagel Burns | Assistant Secretary | asstsecretary@npumatlanta.org |
Jennifer Brooks | Parliamentarian | parliamentarian@npumatlanta.org |
Committee Chairs
Name | Committee | |
Senya Zaitsev | Land Use | landuse@npumatlanta.org |
Stacey Sharer | Public Safety | publicsafety@npumatlanta.org |
DeJon Tebought | Transportation | transportation@npumatlanta.org |
Name | Committee | |
Kyle Kessler | APAB Delegate | apab@npumatlanta.org |
Kyle Kessler | SPI-1 DRC | apab@npumatlanta.org |
City of Atlanta Staff
Name | Position | Phone | |
Matt Adams | Dept. of City Planning, NPU Planner | mdadams@atlantaga.gov | (404) 985-5772 |
Leah LaRue | Dept. of City Planning, NPU Director | llarue@atlantaga.gov | (404) 330-6070 |